
As the world is moving and becoming more digital day by day, digital attacks on systems, networks, and programs are becoming more frequent. To put a stop to these attacks, Cyber Security is on the rise. New securing technologies and methods are being used to safeguard devices and networks. Companies are hiring cybersecurity experts to help them make their online platforms safer for their customers. This is a clear indication of an increase in jobs related to cyber security.

Why Cyber Security?
  • According to the Cyber Security Venture Press Report, there will be an increase of 350% in cyber security jobs in 2026. Enabling yourself in this course would increase your chances of getting a job.
  • As Cyber Security jobs are future-proof, you don’t need to worry about getting a career in the future.
  • You get unlimited growth in this field.
  • Course Description

    Classdoors Cyber Security program would enrich your knowledge about various security systems and digital threats. This will help you understand how threats are tackled and how to avoid them. The 12-month certified program is divided into two trajectories, the nine-month study course and three months of practical experience in the real-time industry. The system will begin with a brief understanding and sketching of hacking and various numerations and methodologies involved. And then, we move on to the types of viruses and their extremities.
    Furthermore, venturing into the wireless strands and hacking, we will look at how the advent of cloud computing and block chains contributed to the halt in privacy and the new hacking technicalities. However, further cons desire pro solutions. Subsequently, we will delve deeper into the appellant. This strict syllabus will be followed by real capstone projects, contributing the best to your professional solace. As cyber security jobs are increasing worldwide, Classdoors cyber security program would open up a wide range of employment.
    Furthermore, venturing into the wireless strands and hacking, we will look at how the advent of cloud computing and block chains contributed to the halt in privacy and the new hacking technicalities. However, further cons desire pro solutions. Subsequently, we will delve deeper into the appellant. This strict syllabus will be followed by real capstone projects, contributing the best to your professional solace. As cyber security jobs are increasing worldwide, Classdoors cyber security program would open up a wide range of employment.
    With the Classdoors Cyber security program, you can enter the digital industry and secure a significant position.


  • Real-time Capstone projects.
  • Three months internship/ industrial exposure.
  • Walking along the current stream of innovations and technology.
  • A problem-solution-based approach to the curriculum.
  • SQL injection and IoT hacking.

  • Key Feature

  • 12 Months Online Training
  • Career Assistance
  • Capstone Project
  • Globally Renowned Trainers
  • Multiple live Projects
  • Online Industry Internship
  • 200+ Hours Online Live classes
  • Certifications

    Popular Certifications in Cyber Security

    1.Certified Ethical Hacking (CEH)
    2. CompTIA Security+


    Program Prospectus CEH

    Program Prospectus
    Program Prospectus for CEH

    1. Fundamentals of Cyber Security
    2. Introduction to Linux
    3. Introduction to Ethical Hacking
    4. Footprinting and Reconnaissance
    5. Text Processing
    6. Enumeration
    7. Scanning Networks
    8. System Hacking
    9. Vulnerability Analysis
    10. SQL Injection
    11. Malware Threats
    12. Sniffing
    13. Social Engineering
    14. Denial-of-Service
    15. Session Hijacking
    16. Evading IDS, Firewalls, and Honeypots
    17. Hacking Web Servers
    18. Hacking Web Application
    19. Hacking Wireless Networks
    20. Hacking Mobile Platforms
    21. IoT Hacking
    22. Cloud Computing
    23. Cryptography
    24. Dual Specialization

    Capstone Projects

    1. Administered learning of Classification.
    2. Host Based Intrusion Detection System (HIDS)
    3. Honey pot
    7. Memory Forensic
    4. Secure Inventory Management
    5. Application Communication Protocol Testing Tool

    Upon Completion of Course

    1. You will be able to learn about different security systems.
    2. You will be able to work with companies and help them get their software free of hackers.
    3. You will be able to apply for cybersecurity jobs.